Mindset Thought for the Day!

Leaders should influence others in such a way that it builds people up, encourages and educates them so they can duplicate this attitude in others.
— Bob Goshen

Mindset Thought for the Day!

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.
— F. Scott Fitzgerald

Mindset Thought for the Day!

New ideas pass through three periods: 1) can’t be done. 2) It probably can be done, but it’s not worth doing. 3) I knew it was a good idea all along.
— Arthur C. Clarke

Mindset Thought for the Day!

Humility, I have learned, must never be confused with meekness. Humility is being open to the ideas of others.
— Simon Sinek

Mindset Thought for the Day!

Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.
— David Allen

Mindset Thought for the Day!

Nothing is real as a dream. The world can change around you, but your dream will not. Responsibilities need not erase it. Duties need not obscure it. Because the dream is within you, no one can take it away.
— Anonymous

Mindset Thought for the Day!

Everyone gets hit by life, but it’s about how many hits you can take and still keep moving forward.
— Anonymous

Mindset Thought for the Day!

Three solutions to every problem. Accept it, change it, leave it. If you can’t accept it, change it. If you can’t change it, leave it.
— Anonymous

Mindset Thought for the Day!

It’s better to sleep on what you intend on doing rather than to stay awake over what you’ve already done.
— Anonymous

Mindset Thought for the Day!

One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of being choked.
— Anonymous

Mindset Thought for the Day!

Our eyes are in front because it is better to look ahead than to look back. Don’t dwell on things of the past. Learn from them and keep moving forward.
— Anonymous

Mindset Thought for the Day!

Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow.”
— Anonymous

Mindset Thought for the Day!

Knowledge is being aware of what you can do. Wisdom is knowing when to do it.
— Anonymous

Mindset Thought for the Day!

There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.
— Nelson Mandela

Mindset Thought for the Day!

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.
— Confucius

Mindset Thought for the Day!

They key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life: mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical.
— Julius Erving

Mindset Thought for the Day!

Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it’s safe or certain.
— Anonymous

Mindset Thought for the Day!

I am not here to be average, I’m here to be awesome.
— Unknown

Mindset Thought for the Day!

I am not here to be average, I’m here to be awesome.
— Unknown

Mindset Thought for the Day!

When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you.
— Lolly Daskal