Top 10 Tips to Maintain a Positive Mindset


Practicing optimistic thinking enables individuals to concentrate on their strengths as well as focus on accomplishments that enhance happiness and motivation. The following 10 tips for having a positive mindset offer useful suggestions which you can use to assist you to shift into better thinking patterns.

1. Take Proper Care of Yourself
It is easier to stay positive while you are feeling strong, doing exercises, and getting adequate rest.  Your body is functioning at an optimum level free of pain, stress, and illness that can distract you. Self-image has a tremendous impact on your mindset.

2. Recall the Things You’re Grateful For
Taking time each day to stop and enjoy the good things in life can make a big difference.  As you go through the garden, don’t hesitate to rest and smell the roses.  Setbacks and challenges do not appear quite as bad whenever you are continually recalling the things which are positive in your life.  Things are never as bad as they appear to be.

3. Search for the Proof Rather than Making Assumptions
In case you have a concern that a friend or family member's poor mindset is because of something you have done, or that your fellow workers are privately gossiping about you behind your back, do not hesitate to ask them. Do not waste your time wondering if you did something wrong until you have evidence that there is reason to be concerned. 

4. Avoid Making use of Absolutes
Speaking and thinking in absolutes such as 'always' ( for example, You're ALWAYS late ) and also 'never' (for example, I NEVER do anything right) makes the situation appear even worse than it is, and forces your brain to believe that certain individuals, as well as yourself, are not capable of coming through when needed.

5. Remove Negative Thoughts
Your thoughts cannot have any power over you in case you do not assess them. If you observe yourself developing a negative thought, remove it, and do not follow it.  You have the ability to shift your mind from one thought to another in a matter of seconds. Yes, discriminate against what comes into your mind.

6. Crush the "ANTs"
"ANTs" (automatic negative thoughts) are actually the bad thoughts which are generally reactionary, such as "Those people are whispering, they must be talking about me," or "The boss wants to meet with me? It must be something bad!" When you recognize these types of thoughts, understand that they are simply ANTs and just crush them.

7. Practice Caring and Touching (Your family and friends)
You do not have to be a professional to understand the advantages of a great hug. Positive bodily contact with friends, family members, and even domestic pets is an immediate pick-me-up.  It’s a way of letting others know that you are concerned and care about them.

8. Enhance your Social Activity
By boosting social activities, you reduce solitude. Surround yourself with happy, healthy folks, and you will be affected by their positive energy in a positive manner.  Be spontaneous in reaching out and connecting with others.  Don’t allow social distancing to cause you to lose contact with others.

9. Help Someone Else 
Everybody feels great after helping. It is possible to give of your cash, your time, or your other resources. As you put more positive energy and well-being into the universe, you will receive more in exchange.  The more you give, the more you get.

10. Fight Constant Worrying
If you constantly worry, the best way to prevent it is to disrupt the pattern of thinking and force yourself to think of something totally different. Worrying is similar to hyper-focus on something which is negative. It is never going to change the situation; it's simply too much-wasted energy. Try altering your physical surroundings - go for a stroll or sit outdoors. You can also call a friend, read a book, or listen to some music.

I hope these suggestions help to enhance your ability to maintain a positive mindset. You have the ability to choose your thoughts, so chose them wisely to maximize your talents, skills, and knowledge.

Written by Dr. RL Kight for Mind Power Solutions.  Visit to learn more about our personal development and training services.